The Hypochondriac
Series: Drama Classics
Imprint: Nick Hern Books
Paperback, 125 pages ISBN: 9781854591975Publication Date:
21 Apr 1994
Size: 160mm x 105mm£3.99 £3.19You save £0.80 (20%)
Ebook, 125 pages ISBN: 9781780016429Publication Date:
10 Nov 2015
£4.99 £3.99You save £1.00 (20%)
First Staged:
c. 1673

The Hypochondriac

By Molière Translated by Martin Sorrell

Paperback £3.99£3.19

Ebook £4.99£3.99

Drama Classics: The World's Great Plays at a Great Little Price

Molière's classic farce, Le Malade Imaginaire, in a fresh and performable translation.

The 'imaginary invalid' Argan is so obsessed with his health that he fails to notice what is happening around him in his own family. His scheming wife and loving daughter are finally revealed to him in their true light by Argan's brother, who poses as a quack doctor and suggests he feigns death to test their loyalty.

This English version of Molière's The Hypochondriac, in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series, is translated and introduced by Martin Sorrell.

Series: Drama Classics
Imprint: Nick Hern Books
Paperback,125 pages ISBN: 9781854591975Publication Date:
21 Apr 1994
Size: 160mm x 105mm£3.99 £3.19You save £0.80 (20%)
Ebook,125 pages ISBN: 9781780016429Publication Date:
10 Nov 2015
£4.99 £3.99You save £1.00 (20%)

Also by Molière:

The Miser
Don Juan
The Misanthrope
The Learned Ladies

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Also by Martin Sorrell:

The Miser

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